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00 Lemurian Connection ~ The Re~Emergenc
Lemurian Reconnection ~ The Re-Emergence: Image


9 Cosmic Keys to Remember & Activate Your Connection to Lemuria (Mu)

Have you experienced an exponential expansion, a change in how you think and how life is evolving. Do you feel deep within your Core, a calling to "do something", to contribute in some positive way. Let these Activation Keys spark a Remembrance of who you BE.

Payment plans will be considered ~ do not allow anything to stop you from stepping into your role!)


Feeling called? Tap into the Lemurian frequency with one of these 9 Keys and unlock your unique gift.

1 ~ Remember

2 ~ Anchor

3 ~ Process

4 ~ Heartsong

5 ~ Reflect

6 ~ As Above So Below

7 ~ Transduce

8 ~ Disseminate

9 ~ Integrate



Please indicate which Key when processing payment.


You are ready to step into this Soul Mission

All 9 Keys in digital format, with written guidance for envisioning, intending and activating.  Valued at US$297.  Invest now for US$ 244


10 Weekly Zoom meetings to explore, integrate & activate the Keys

Holding space and setting intention within a group exponentially amplifies the outcome.  We will gather for 30 to 40 minutes each week, for 10 weeks, to share our exploratory journey into these Keys.


Personal and global activation for Earth Healing and raising of consciousness embodied in the Lemurian vibration.


Maximum of 9 Key Keepers per workshop.  Workshops will commence once all slots are filled.  Please email cosmicscribe@inscension to book your place


Valued at US$833 ~ Invest now US$444

Lemurian Reconnection ~ The Re-Emergence: List

The Greatest Awakening is taking place right now! Have you experienced an exponential expansion, a change in how you think and how life is evolving. Do you feel deep within your Core, a calling to "do something", to contribute in some positive way to this event?

Each of us is on a unique journey to Self, but there are many similarities and synchronicities that are a crystal clear message to me that we are on a Soul's Mission and those who have embodied at this time, for this purpose, are being drawn back together to fulfil that mission. Do you feel that? Then this is most certainly for you.

Why these Codes, now, from this person you may ask? I believe the Keys are already within us and the Codes in their scribed form will unlock YOUR Keys. My journey of Inscension has been from when I arrived here (and probably from long before too!), but only consciously since 1988, when I had what some cultures term A Dark Night of the Soul. For me, in hindsight, it was a joyous Soul Emergence. And thus began a wondrous journey, not always easily explained and certainly filled with challenges. But in taking those leaps of faith, (I always think of the words of Star Trek "to boldly go where no one has gone before") I discovered so much about my Self and where I AM in the Bigger Picture. It is my Inner Work that has brought me to this juncture in my life, where I am much more aware of who I BE and what my gifts are for humanity and our precious Mother Earth. I don't have all the answers, some days I feel dazed and confused, others so elated with the sheer joy of being alive at this time. Like many of us do!

Over the years I have had flashes of remembrance, visions of what I now know to be previous & parallel lives. Several of these have been in Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and Lemuria (also known as Mu). This required quite a shift in my thinking, as I had previously not "bought into" reincarnation. The personal evidence, synchronicities and memories could not be ignored and as I began pulling more and more threads together a most beautiful tapestry emerged.

My Code Scribing journey started on 19 July 2017, when in a Shamanic Journey I connected with 12 magnificent Beings of Light, who downloaded to me 6 Sacred Geometric Codes over 2 days. You can read more about this here.

Most recently I have been guided to render these 9 Keys which will unlock your Lemurian Connection and assist you in bringing your gifts and expanding your High Heart at a time when it is clear we are on the precipice of something monumental.

Your time is NOW! Thank you for stepping up to be in Service to Humanity. There will without any doubt be the most wonderful effect that will ripple out to the Cosmos.

Lemurian Reconnection ~ The Re-Emergence: Text
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